Our Quality Standards

As an approved provider to My Aged Care (MAC) and registered provider to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Scope Home Access complies with a number of Aged Care and NDIS Quality Standards. These standards outline the level of care and service expected of us as a community service provider.

We perform continual internal monitoring and undergo rigorous external auditing by an independent assessor to evaluate our compliance with these standards.

Aged Care Quality Standards

The eight standards that must be met surround the areas of:

  • Consumer Dignity and Choice
  • Ongoing Assessment and Planning
  • Personal Care and Clinical Care
  • Services and Supports for Daily Living
  • Service Environment
  • Feedback and Complaints
  • Human Resources
  • Organisational Governance

These standards go hand-in-hand with the Charter of Aged Care Rights which protects the rights of people receiving Aged Care services. To access the Aged Care Quality Standards, click here, or the Charter of Aged Care Rights, click here.

NDIS Practice Standards

The NDIS Practice Standards were created by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to protect participants and shape the culture of Disability Services. As a provider of in-home services, the core module of the NDIS Practice Standards is applicable to Scope Home Access. This module covers:

  • The rights of participants and responsibilities of providers
  • Governance and operational management
  • The delivery of supports, and
  • The environment in which supports are delivered

To access the full NDIS Practice Standards, click here.